Happily Ever Before
Last night I dreamed that I had a conversation with someone that I really like and respect but she seems uncomfortable around me, or at least that's my perception. The conversation in the dream addressed and soothed all the things that I feel strange about.
I woke up and remembered that the dream I had the night was doing the same exact thing. I subconsciously created an event and therefore a place, as well as these people and myself, in order to heal this area of discomfort in my psyche.
Is this like, the whole premise of storytelling, and if so, is it the premise of this "One Story", (or "Story of One"), that we call "Reality"?
"Humpty Dumpty had a great fall", (the big bang) and trying to put him back together again is the premise of the story.
Humpty Dumpty is an egg, (conception) symbolizing beginning. Eggs, babies, ideas and things of the nature of beginning are inherently fragile.
"All the Kings horses and all the King's men couldn't put him together again."
It's utterly hopeless. No fragment can "put together" or make another fragment whole.
It sounds hopeless anyway, (I really mean it seems hopeless, sound has no meaning until we impose it on it), but Humpty Dumpty never actually fell. You just don't get a more "Happily Ever After" ending than, "All this carnage, misfortune or other bullshit never actually occurred." Happily Ever Before.
And that therefore, is the basis of the Law of Attraction (law of seemingly putting the pieces of the shell together), that the only way to attract the click of a puzzle piece or the situation that heals a wound is to Know deeply, that nothing has even broken. When we Know that we are Whole, healing is no longer something that must be done in the future but the Actuality of who we are.
Also, puzzles are fun.
(Extremely creepy version of Humpty Dumpty at a them park. Isn't he awesome?)
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