Mister God, This Is Anna Book Quotes and Recommendation

Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from "Mr. God this is Anna." This book is such a nondual hidden gem. 

"The fact was the hard outer cover of meaning, and meaning was the soft living stuff inside a fact. Fact and meaning were the driving cogs of living. If the gear of fact drove the gear of meaning then they revolved in opposite directions, but put the gear of fantasy between the two and they both revolved in the same direction. Fantasy was and is important; it leads to heaven knows where but follow it and see. Sometimes it pays off." 

"She spoke quietly and slowly. "If you're not full up inside you, then you can make anything a magic thing, and then it becomes an outside bit of you."

"Is that bad?"

She nodded. "If you do that, then you can't do what Mister God wants you to do."

"Oh! What's he want me to do then?"

"Love everybody like you love yourself, and you've got to be full up with you to love yourself properly first."

"the Mister God light outside us is so's we can see the Mister God light inside us." 


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